Jam Sandwich

Ethan D'Ercole || JS049



Today's episode is all about redemption. Redemption podcast. Way back on JS005, I attempted to do a reggae episode, but I not only did massive bong rips, clouding my fragile mind, but my guests didn't know squat or even care for the genre. It's one of the best worst episodes. It took me a while, but I invited my good friend Ethan D'Ercole to join me for a proper discussion of Rock Steady. We spin one of his favorite albums, Alton Ellis's Sunday Coming along with a slew of classic singles. This is the second episode in a row were my guest and I actually talk about the music at length, so maybe the tide is turning. Ethan is a brilliant artist, having been in a ton of great bands while also being one of my favorite print artists in Chicago right now. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to go to his website (http://www.ethandercole.com/) and pick up a print or two. That sh!t is absolutely gorgeous and will look lovely on your walls. Yeah mon! Jam Sandwiches can also be found at: jamsandwichpodcast.com || manontop69.com || Twi