Jam Sandwich

Kevin Goggin || JS050



Holy schlitts, Jam Sandwich is now 50 deep. I've now been recording episodes of this show for a year, give or take a few weeks when I took a sabbatical. On this episode I'm joined once again by my good friend Kevin Goggin. He's the show's composer and he delivered an extra special treat for the special occasion. Today we listen to Devo's Duty Now For The Future, along with some other classic singles and deep cuts.  Anyway, we discuss the band and the importance of recognizing Devolution as it takes places before our very eyes. Also Kevin's grandmother. So put on your power dome, plug in and get ready to understand my potato.  Also, in the excitement of tings, I completely spaced on thanking Producer Dan in my big ups segment. The show wouldn't exist today had it not been for his kindness and inspiration, so go tweet at him at @friesenpoint and tell him you love him. He deserves it. Lastly, THANK YOU for listening! Be sure to tell all your friends about all the naughty fun we have here. For real, that'd be nic