Jam Sandwich

Ryan Duggan || JS052



Ahoy, maties! Settle in and get ready for another large serving of Jam Sandwich. On today's show I'm joined by Drug Factory Press kingpin Ryan Duggan. As a former room/bandmate, we've spent a lot of time together and on this episode we get to catch up. We listen to Black Flag and the Minutemen while discussing Ryan's work, our shared histories and french kissing. Even though he's only in his early 30s Ryan has created a heavy body of work. If you're familiar with it, this is your chance to take a look at the man behind "all those dog's taking dumps." I highly encourage you to go buy some of Ryan's beautiful prints. Find it at ryanduggan.com, drugfactorypress.bigcartel.com and instagram.com/drugfactorypress/. If you'd be so kind to subscribe and give us a good rating on itunes, that would be just well of you. Otherwise, more Jam Sandwiches can also be found at: jamsandwichpodcast.com || manontop69.com || Twitter: @jamsandwichpod || Instagram: @jamsandwichpodcast