Jam Sandwich

Adam "Squirtzel" Hirzel || JS055



On today's installment of the show, I'm joined by my good friend Adam "Squirtzel" Hirzel. We're close friends in due thanks to the fact that we like a lot of the same music. We worked together in a record store and he's damn fine at that job. We discuss Link Wray's Three Track Shack period and how it's some of the finest American music ever recorded. Double damn fine! I also pick his brain over what its like to sling vinyl for a living and the many misconceptions that come with the job. One might describe this episode as being "highly informational" with a twinge of "stoner logic" and "secretly horny."   If you'd be so kind, please SUBSCRIBE and give the show a good rating on itunes. Don't be such a selfish, greedy b hole. Tell your friends about it. They deserve to know! Otherwise, more Jam Sandwiches can be found at: jamsandwichpodcast.com || manontop69.com || Twitter: @jamsandwichpod || Instagram: @jamsandwichpodcast