Jam Sandwich

Joe McAdam || JS058



Well shoot, Joe McAdam makes a quick return to the Palace of Sin for another hot steamy Jam Sandwich. This episode was recorded on May 18th, which also happened to be the same day Chris Cornell of Soundgarden passed away. Joe suggested we listen to Badmotorfinger to memorialize the fallen singer, but if I'm being perfectly honest I was never really much of a Soundgarden fan and I didn't wanna have the episode come off as a half assed eulogy. Instead I decided we should start with Gregg Allman's I'm No Angel and we give Gregg some lite ribbing. Then that dude had to go and die before I could release this episode, thusly completely going against my original intentions. Oy vey! Furthermore, the formatting is a little different on this one. It was done in a bit of a rush, so we don't focus on a full album or even singular artist. We play a bunch of random songs that we thought of in the moment, so you get a bunch of little insights on a whole slew of artists. It's kind of similar to our old show Revolutions Per M