Jam Sandwich

Josh Androsky || JS061



Hot dang, it's another installment of Jam Sandwich, babies! We've gotsa real juicy one for youse guys today. In the world of podcasting there's dream guests and then there's Josh Androsky. What can I say, I love to butter this beautiful man up! I've known this sweet prince for several years now and whenever our paths cross both laughs and consensual kisses are shared. He wanted to listen to Brian Eno's 1973 masterpiece Here Come The Warm Jets and I couldn't have been more on board. Surprisingly enough, we manage to stay pretty much on topic for a majority of the episode, aside from getting off track almost immediately. It does end up turning into a discussion of "great morning songs" towards the end. I also talk about my wife's gazungas. Look, I could go on and on but just know that Josh is one of my spiritual brothers and our energies are synced up which makes for great conversation. Dig in!  For more Josh goodness, follow him on twitter and instagram at @shutupandrosky. If you're in LA and would like to get