Jam Sandwich

Claire Jean || JS062



Hey lickers! Welcome to another installment of your favorite toilet pig show, Jam Sandwich. On this 'sode, I welcome my lovely wife back to the show to discuss one of our favorite bands, ABBA. We do a decent job talking about the band, but we also get into a tizzy and as is usually the case when CJ comes on and we both get a little nasty. She even got in on the raunch this time. We're breaking her shyness and the freak is coming out. So if you're a diehard ABBA fan that somehow stumbled across this show, be prepared to hear about my b's* okay? If you're a frequent listener then rejoice, because I once again talk about my b's! Tuck in your bib cause this one gets messy. If you enjoyed this episode and would like an additional serving, I've laid virtual breadcrumbs around the web at these various locations: jamsandwichpodcast.com || manontop69.com || Twitter: @jamsandwichpod || Instagram: @jamsandwichpodcast   *Not what you're thinking, probably.