Sales Enablement Lab With Thierry Van Herwijnen | Enabling Sales Conversation That Matter

SELAB Season 1, Episode 15: Building the business case for Sales Enablement



Jim Ninivaggi is the Service Director, Sales Enablement Strategies at SiriusDecisions. SiriusDecisions is an advisory firm focussed on B2B companies providing data, advice, research and industry events for practitioners in the field of marketing, sales and product development. This week's podcast is focussed on 'Building the business case for Sales Enablement'. Almost everyone who wants to start a Sales Enablement function or expand an existing function will have to go through the same justification challenge: Why invest in Sales Enablement? What will be our return for the company? Why not invest in something else? The answer this question we need to start at the beginning. Jim will share his views and definition of Sales Enablement. According to SiriusDecisions Sales Enablement is the orchestrating function between sales, product marketing, sales training & sales operations and should be focussed on three different key areas: Sales Talent Management - How do we attract the right sales talent to the organ