How Are You Thinking About? With Igor

Justin Simien, Writer/Director - Mental Health, Representation, Love, and Buddhism



Justin Simien, Writer/Director of the award-winning film “Dear White People” is on the podcast today and refuses to stop dropping wisdom. Couple quotes from the ep:   16:30 "People say things like ‘Movies can’t change the world’ and I think that’s bullshit."  18:15 "It takes a person who doesn’t get to see themselves in a culture, it takes a person that much longer to realize that they’re a valid person and that who they are matters. And think about all those opportunities that they miss out on because something subtle is telling them they don’t belong in the culture. " 32:00 - On when he realized he had depression: “I’m a writer/director, my movie is a hit at Sundance, I have a wonderful loving boyfriend, and wow, I have financial stability. Why can’t I get out of bed still?”  46:30 - "We’re not afraid we’re going to fail, we’re afraid we’ll be great" 1:12:00 - “This idea of ‘falling in love’ and finding the ‘perfect person’ for you is ruining everybody’s lives.” 1:56:10 - "At a certain point, you have to ho