How Are You Thinking About? With Igor

Gaby Dunn - Being a Role Model, Not giving AF, Working with Allison, and Why Famous Men are the Worst



Gay Icon/Writer/Actress/Internet Celebrity Gaby Dunn (Just Between Us, Buzzfeed, Thought Catalog, Fusion, Cosmopolitan) is on the show! Some quotes from the episode:   7:00 “Allison and I have half a million dollars riding on our friendship.” 9:05 “I was kind of a dirt bag before I met Allison.” 27:58 "On being interested in Marc Maron: “His name is Marc, my father’s name is Marc. It’s spelled the same way. He’s a recovering addict. My Dad’s a recovering addict.” 29:50 "You should have sex with famous people. Just don't get emotionally involved." 33:00 “If a famous man turns out to be bad he raped 30 people, if a famous woman turns out to be bad she was rude to you on twitter one time.” 40:40 “It’s never gonna to be perfect. So just do it.” 42:45 “You need to have stuff to show for yourself. You need to be like, this is what I’m doing. This is my thing.” 59:20 "If you look like me, you’re not fat." 1:02:40 "There are a lot of YouTubers that don’t take a stance on anything and I find that very boring. Black Li