How Are You Thinking About? With Igor

How Igor Thinks About the Podcast



Is 16 episodes in too early to have a retrospective? Of course! But this is podcasting, baby, and there are no rules. Enjoy this special episode where Igor's long-time friend Ab Belani turns things around on Igor and asks how he thinks about this podcast. Meta!   Ab on LinkedIn:   Find Igor on Instagram at Write to Igor at   PODCAST CREDITS Theme song: Vocals: MACK - Mix: Dan Gerbang - Writer: Igor Hiller   Cover art by George Hilton III: Cover design by Eve Survilo:   Thank you for listening. Saw this great quote from Salvador Dali today: "...I very early realized, instinctively, my life formula: to get others to accept as natural the excesses of one's personality and thus to relieve oneself of his own anxieties by creating a sort of collective participation."