I Love My Shepherd

Ministry Talks – Discouragement in Ministry



Ministry Talks 5 – Discouragement in Ministry   Where have you felt discouragement in life? In the Christian walk? In ministry?   The power of normalizing and naming it - Discouragement is normal and not shameful - Apostle Paul and discouragement John 16:33  ESV - tribulation  NIV – trials and sorrows  Greek = thlipsin/thlipsis = pressure, that which rubs http://biblehub.com/interlinear/john/...   What tensions do you have in ministry or at your church? Where do you experience the pressure or stress internally? How do you “let it out”, whether positive or negative?   Discouragement - Encouragement - Courage/Take Heart   Psalm 27:14 – waiting and discouragement   Psalm 31:24 – take heart, be fed How does God feed you? 1 – the experience of shame 2 – when or where have you needed rescue, received rescue 11 –feeling outcast, less than, unwanted  v.12 – the weight of your own brokenness and the weight of brokenness in the world   What is discouraging to you in the culture around you?   Work through Psalm 31 an