I Love My Shepherd

YA: Present



Show notes: What are your worries or concerns? Your highs and lows? What do you think your friends are going through or your family?When you look around you at school, work, your neighborhood, the world – what concerns do you see? Three segments to today’s study: He is with us when things look bleak.  He is with us when things look better. He is with us when things look best.  Bleak: Is God disinterested? Is God angry or mean? What evidence do you hear of God pursuing us in the Psalm? What evidence of Jesus pursuing do you remember from the Gospels? When we can’t see God’s presence, what does He give us to remind us He is present? Psalm 46:1 – God is our present help. What kind of Help does God bring to us? John 14:25-17 What helps you when it’s hard to believe God is present, that He cares? Better: What does the mediocre feel so blah? How does Satan use the blah to poke at us? What is God doing in the mediocre? Where do you see Him present in the everyday? Why is it so easy to forget about God in the eve