I Love My Shepherd

The Truth about Mental Health: Teens and Emotions



ILMS 8 - The Truth about Mental Health: Emotions + YA: Tremble Psalm 46:3   Internal and external turmoil   HCSB – “though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with its turmoil.”   What in the world feels chaotic, or adds to the turmoil of life?   Goal: We want our emotions  to inform us, rather than lead us. How do you like to let your emotions out, rather than roiling inside?   6 common spectrums of emotion: 1 – Warmth and acceptance Inverse = loneliness and rejection How does acceptance feel?   How is warmth and acceptance associated with happiness for us? Romans 14:1-3   2 – Irritable, Frustrated, and Angry Ephesians 4:26 1 Corinthians 13:5   Getting into the Word to change our mood Asknig self: What’s in this? Why am I (fill in the blank)? Finding someplace to put it   Psalm 37:8-9   3 – Discouragement, Sadness, and Depression Inverse: Joy, Zeal, Engagement Understanding and differences   2 Corinthians 1:3-4   How do you engage in life?   4 – Fear, Anxiety, and Worry Fear and Creation Anxiety