I Love My Shepherd

Always Growing: The Power of Pursuit



The Power of Pursuit   What are your communications like on a day to day basis?   What parts of the statement, “Pursuit is still necessary,” do you agree or disagree with?   What benefits are there to still pursuing our spouse in marriage?   Song of Songs 8:5-6   What gets in the way of sacrificially pursuing our spouse, both personally and for people in general?   Wellness exercise: Consider two ways you can sacrificially pursue your spouse this week and engage in carrying one of them out in the next seven days.    YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/SfGpVXWP0Xc Find other Always Growing videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCryz1QG5wDu1HWaapevYFOIUiwXEm1IC   Find more marriage and relationship resources at: https://heidigoehmann.com/relationships Follow us on social media: https://www.facebook.com/heidigoehmanwrites https://www.instagram.com/heidigoehmann/ https://twitter.com/HeidiGoehmann Hit subscribe to get the marriage conversation videos in your podcast or youtube feed. Download the Talk She