I Love My Shepherd

Always Growing: Practices for Spiritual Growth



Episode 16 – Always Growing: Practices for Spiritual Growth being with God v. producing something for God We can be doing all kinds of things for God, but very little to draw near to God.   Today and to come: four practices for drawing near useful every day and especially useful for connecting to God in and around our challenges Thanks to CPH for letting me pull apart this article and use it a little more.   What are your practices for drawing near to God? Organic as well as intentional Being aware/conscious in our traditions   Where does the growth from your daily practices/yearly practices come from? Which are adding growth and awareness and which are added extra?   Reading God’s heart rather than about growth   Gottman Sound Relationship House Theory - https://www.gottman.com/blog/what-is-the-sound-relationship-house/ Drawing near = connecting with God, building love maps with God, rituals of connection with God   What is stopping us from drawing near to God? Identify your barriers Where is God working to