The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

022 - Adam Singer on The Nitty Gritty of Modern MMA Training & Competition



Stephan: I’m here today with my friend,Adam Singer, who runs The HardCore Gym in Athens, Georgia.  He is probably best known for being Forrest Griffin’s MMA coach during the formative years of Forrest’s career. He’s also a jiu-jitsu black belt and has trained tons of fighters.   I’m really looking forward to picking his brain about MMA and jiu-jitsu and the relationship between these things. He’s an outspoken guy, so I’m sure we’ll have a good conversation. So thanks for talking to us today, Adam.   Adam: Hi. It’s a pleasure to be here.   Stephan: So, you're driving around town as we do this interview?   Adam: It's hard for me to find any place where I’m not going to be bothered by people. And so I figured, I’ve got the air-conditioner on in the car and I’m just going to drive around. We have what is called “The Loop”. It’s about 10 miles long and I’m just going to drive around “The Loop” with cruise control on and talk to you.   Stephan:  Okay. Well, hopefully we don’t have the first live car crash on a podc