Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#8: Bushra Azhar | How to "Reframe Failure" and Become a Master Persuader



“I hereby solemnly declare never to freeze in fear, sit in utter despair, or move from foot to foot like a 3 year old on the verge of an “accident” when faced with an email, sales page or Facebook post. I refuse to smile needlessly, play nice hopelessly, give in uselessly…in the hopes that if they like me enough, they might open their wallets for me. I am a persuasion revolutionary and I use psychology of persuasion to win hearts, minds and wallets of my audience.” Thousands and thousands of people have taken this oath and are loyal "soldiers" in the Persuasion Revolution. Ready to meet the person who has somehow made the science and psychology "sexy, classy and fun"? Bushra Azhar is one of the world’s leading authorities in the science of persuasion or as she puts it: “...helping the frustrated, the lost and the uber confused; bulldoze their way through counter-arguments and objections effortlessly and gracefully (like a ballerina on roller-skates).” Bushra is outspoken, bold, funny, direct and super passi