Deconstructing Success With Chris Winfield

#9: Ryan Levesque | The Power of "Screw It. Let's Do It!"



Have you ever asked yourself...what if? What if I went all in? What if I saw what I was really capable of? What if I really gave it everything and truly made an impact in this world? My guest on today’s show asked himself those questions from his hospital bed as he was recovering from a rare condition that nearly cost him his life. He was 30. It was a few months after the birth of his first son. And he knew he had to make some big changes... He left that hospital with a new determination, drive, passion and desire to be the best version of himself that he could be. Fast forward to today... Ryan Levesque is the #1 best-selling author of the book ‘Ask’ and two others. He’s the creator of 34 information and software products. He’s a world renowned marketing expert known as "The Funnel Specialist", the guy that companies quietly bring through the back door to go from good to great. But here’s something that most people don’t realize... For most of his life, fear ruled him. Fear of taking chances. Fear of failing.