Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode 216: "How to Gain Clarity, Stand out and Build your Audience" - Olivia Charlet



Name of Guest: Olivia Charlet Olivia has a unique background. You know how online entrepreneurs aim for the location independence lifestyle? Well, Olivia had that type of experience growing up, living in several countries. And it felt amazing for her. For some people, traveling abroad might feel scary, or giving the impression that you are losing ground… But in fact, Olivia explains that the “ground” at that time was her family. They were pretty tight, and that is where she felt her security was. Meeting so many different people and having to adapt to different societies and countries, Olivia became very good at quickly “sizing” people and knowing right away if they are a good fit for her. And in business, especially in online business, you need that sense of recognizing if a potential client has all the criteria to become your actual client. Then, we dive into a huge mistake that online entrepreneurs do when they begin: they want to please everyone… So let’s go with a step-by-step in order to find clarity.