Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode 283: "If you don't have that, you are missing out on something: big time!" - Fabienne Raphaël



There is a major struggle going on out there among the majority of people wanting to start a business. They don’t want to invest. They believe that they can build a million dollar business by learning all there is online for free. They see the investment in trainings, coaching or building a strong team as an expense instead of an investment. And that’s because their decision making is selfish. Let me explain. They are missing the one and unique quality in business that will make them do extraordinary things. They are missing the empathy. This is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s place, so you can understand and view things from their standpoint. Let me give you an example. When you decide to take care of all your designs even if you are not a graphic designer, you are saving your own money, but you don’t think about how your audience will view your stuff. When you voluntarily consume all the free content on one topic instead of buying the best training there is or hiring the best coach t