The Triple Og Podcast!

An Unsolved Mystery (Freeze Ep.2)



THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICT CONTENT!  Welcome to episode 2.  It's getting a little crazy in the city of Dickinson. I don't think these cops have a clue that someone is after them.  Yes, you read that right, there is a killer on the loose, and their targeting the detectives.  Sit down and have a listen to what's to come in this small city.  It's about to get real.   All pictures, stats, charts, graphs, clip art, quotes, memes, sports videos, sports clips,(etc) are courtesy of Google Search.  I do not own rights to any items or products not associated with Bobby Dollaz, Tailored Money Clothing Company, Yard-Nvee Lawn Care, Landscaping, & Gardening LLC.  Infamous Records L.L.C or Infamous 314 All rights reserved for "The" Bobby Dollaz Show.  Guest appear as a courtesy with full consent when recorded per video and /or audio. TripleOGStories, #tripleOGstories, TripleOGstories, are a segment of and OWNED by Bobby Dollaz, for The BobbyDollaz Show.   Music