Sparks Radio: Sparks Radio Podcast

Yamaneika Saunders : Sparks Radio Podcast Ep 199



COMEDIAN and occasional migraine getter, Yamaneika Saunders is on the show today! Yamaneika is a true badass, because not only did she do this episode whilst suffering from a head splitting migraine, but she was also hilarious as well. If I did this episode with even a bit of post nasal drip, it’d just be me bitching for an hour and comparing it to my personal trail of tears. In the episode today we’re talking: first pregnancy test, growing up in the sticks, and what’s the perfect crime! FOLLOW Yamaneika ON TWITTER HERE AND GO TO HER WEBSITE HERE! Thanks again to Yamaneika for being on the show and we hope we can do it again! Also, tell a friend you enjoyed it and give us a rating and review here and on Spotify! Thanks for checking out #199 of the Sparks Radio Podcast! The 1st thing insecure men do 2 diminish a woman is talk about her looks or her sexual viability! Alot of women get bothered by this…but let me say this: attractive men w/ big penises dont have time 2 c