Wood Between Worlds

Murderers with Families Part Two - Is He Cheating Or Murdering



If you haven't listened to part one yet, do that. We will be here waiting for you when you are done.Part two starts with Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas. Their 'romance' involved a lot of dead bodies. Once we get through that horror show, Fabia shares how the families of pretty prolific killers felt about their murder daddies. The families of Dennis Rader (BTK), Robert Yates, Herb Baumeister, Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer), and John Wayne Gacy. Its super sad, kinda funny and just reminds you that maybe your perfect husband has a bunch of mannequins around the pool for a reason.  Find us on Facebook & Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcast | Twitter:@woodworlds | Email us with suggestions at twogirlsonemic@woodbetweenworldspodcast.com | Visit our website www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com