The Triple Og Podcast!

Cater To You (Runnin Ep.5)



It's been almost a week since Texas slipped into the back of Mi-Mi's SUV. And it seems like she couldn't be happier. Texas is still trying to understand why all this is happening to him, while she's making plans for their future.  Sit back and enjoy episode 5 and see what's next for this crazy little couple and their situation. THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICT CONTENT!  All pictures, stats, charts, graphs, clip art, quotes, memes, sports videos, sports clips,(etc) are courtesy of Google Search.  I do not own rights to any items or products not associated with Bobby Dollaz, Tailored Money Clothing Company, Yard-Nvee Lawn Care, Landscaping, & Gardening LLC.  Infamous Records L.L.C or Infamous 314 All rights reserved for "The" Bobby Dollaz Show.  Guest appear as a courtesy with full consent when recorded per video and /or audio. TripleOGStories, #tripleOGstories, TripleOGstories, are a segment of and OWNED by Bobby Dollaz, for The BobbyDollaz Show.   Music All songs and instr