Hunter & Leslie Byte This




IHOB LIED.  There I said it.  They lied to us all.  Yeah, ya know that whole "what's the B for?"  let me clog up your feed, what does the "B" all mean thing?   Well slow down Miss Daisy before you try and rearrange the alpabet.  It was never a thing.  They weren't changing a dang thing,  A publicity stunt.  All they wanted to do is celebrate their "60th birthday" with short stacks for 60 cents.   Yeah, IHOB or IHOP or IHOT (International House of THANOS).  You can snap your fingers once, but remember there's a sequel coming.   And I know the spoilers.  60 years old?  I don't believe you.  You're like an old 3x divorced dude posting he's 45 and "athletic" on Farmer's Only.  We know what you're up to.  We (Hunter) has had enough of the lying.  However, Leslie is hungry and needs your sizzurp.  How dare you IHOB?  What in the actual "B" is wrong with you???? See for privacy information.