Villanova Health Summit

Roles of the Healthcare Industry in Expanding Interprofessional Collaborations



Host: Matt Birnholz, MD Guest: Michael Russomano In many discussions that focus on achieving quality improvements for clinical care, the roles of healthcare industries are often either excluded or, worse yet, painted as oppositional to patient interests. But a new model of health care delivery positions the industrial sector as a key partner in the interprofessional team, with a common mission to improve patient outcomes nationwide. From the Villanova Healthcare Speaker Event, Dr. Matt Birnholz speaks with Michael Russomano, President, CEO, and Global Business Head of Wyeth Nutrition, a Nestle business. Mr. Russomano, who also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Alzheimer's Association, joins Dr. Birnholz to discuss opportunities for the healthcare industry to partner with clinical, administrative, educational, and patient advocacy groups in advancing quality of care.