Reach Or Miss

Ep. 089 – Dhariana Lozano realized how small businesses and entrepreneurs can really benefit from social media. So she left the corporate world and started to help businesses directly



Dhariana Lozano Show Notes Dhariana Lozano has been in the social media and digital marketing world for over 7 years. She is the co-founder of Supremacy Marketing, a boutique social media marketing firm based in New York City who manages the social media presence of clients like Chef Jordan Andino, Flip Sigi and more. Her experience ranges in creating social media strategies and consulting for both B2C and B2B brands to help them stand out and break through digital walls for ongoing success. She blogs at ( where she provides social media tips, resources and courses. You can see her work published in Social Media Week, Social Media Today, and the AgoraPulse blog. Most passionate about I’ve been in social media marketing for about 8 years now. I started off in the corporate world and I went to agencies and I felt that social media was a bit of an after thought; people would bring me in last minute into meetings. They didn’t really understand social media and what I could do.