Reach Or Miss

Ep. 098 – REACH OR MISS – Why do entrepreneurs fail? My Conclusions after (almost) 100 podcasting episodes



REACH OR MISS Show Notes We are about to REACH 100 episodes of the REACH OR MISS podcast. And I can’t help but feel a bit sentimental about it. I want to discuss why I started this podcast, and address the question: did I achieve at least some of the main objective that brought me to launch this podcast almost two years ago (March 20th 2017, to be exact).   I won’t tell the whole story now, just the main facts. In January 2008, after 21 years of executive marketing positions in leading multinational and local brands, I founded a company aiming to help entrepreneurs and startup founders become successful by winning market category leadership using the right marketing and sales approach. That was the basic idea. Shortly after I left my position working with one of the leading and most successful brands in the world, I received an offer to join a new VC that would focus on supporting entrepreneurs not only with money, but also with the needed basics of marketing and sales. The times were different b