Black Jade Radio

The Ancient Significance of Numbers and Its Effect on Modern Branding: The Number Three and Four



The Mystery of Threeness We have all heard the cliché, “Third time is the charm.” The funny thing about clichés is that they are clichés because they are overused, and they are overused because they are for the most part true. Why is it that the third time is in fact the charm? Why not the second, or fourth time? Is the number three inherently lucky? In all honesty, we do not know, and neither did the ancients. However, what the ancients did do was observe, and set the stage for our understanding of the mystery of threeness. The Tetrad and the Birth of the SquareThe Tetrad refers namely to the understanding of “fourness” that derives itself from the vesica piscis that we originally observed in the dyad and the number two. As you can see, as the ancients did, if a circle is drawn in the center of the dyad, using the vesica piscis as the circle’s boundaries, and the dividing lines (hot dog and hamburger style) of the vesica piscis, connecting all the dots generates the square.