Time & Space

To-Do Breakdown: Analyzing Your To-Do List



The more you continue to do what you do, the more you get of what you're doing. If you want better results, you've got the shift the way you're dealing with time and go from spending it to investing it. The big problem is that people don't know where their time is really going.Knowing where it's going and whether you're spending your time or investing it calls for a much closer look at your to-dos. Here, on this broadcast, I'm going to help you break down your to-dos. We'll look at what's on your list, see where the control really is and explore new ways of streamlining things to save you time and help you get things done. I'll help you see whether or not your hours are being spent or invested, and we'l talk about creating new habits to help you make the shift so you don't have to struggle through your days to get things done. Bring your to-do list and let's break it down.