Take Back Time: Time Management | Stress Management | Tug Of War With Time

From Multitasking To Single-Tasking with Heidi Hanna



At one point or another, our work environment has forced us to multitask. We have to take on different functions and wear different hats. Multitasking is actually counterproductive, and this is what Heidi Hanna has been teaching for the last ten years. She says that we only have a limited amount of brain power at any given time. Splitting that up between different tasks decreases how much we have. Different sources competing for your time and energy unnecessarily stress the brain, because it’s not designed to handle multiple things. The problem with doing multiple things at the same time is we don’t do each of them well, so the performance and productivity levels go down. Heidi explains we have to learn how to differentiate multiple priorities from multitasking. The key is building a support of rituals that are going to help us to do just one thing at a time in the moment when we’re feeling the pressure. The change process starts to happen when you train your brain like a muscle and strengthen your ability to