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Awaken The B.E.A.S.T. Within With Muscle Motivator Nathan Todd



Imagine being born eight weeks premature. How well do you think you’ll fare in the outside world? Now add cerebral palsy to the mix. Will you resign to the fate dictated by society, and simply give up on your dreams? Or will you wipe away the tears, scrape off the dust on your knees, and awaken the beast within? Nathan Todd lived this life exactly as described. As an individual with cerebral palsy, life has been a journey away from things that people take for granted, from learning how to walk. Even knowing what school would look like is very unique when you have a disability. Luckily, Nathan had a great support system in his corner who fought for him to be treated like everyone else and did not put labels on him. He graduated from high school and went on to get a college degree. Now he’s a coach and an author. If that’s not awe-inspiring, I don’t know what is! Also known as the Muscle Motivator, Nathan doesn’t only motivate in the gym and for your physical muscles, he’s also motivating onstage as a speaker a