Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Unforgivable Sin



One thing I don't talk about enough is about satisfaction being the death of desire. We should never be satisfied. We should always be hungry. We have to remember that desire is the Infinite tapping at the door of our consciousness calling us to be, do and have all that has been planted in our heart as our purpose. So often I talk to people who are self-satisfied. They say they're happy with how things are in their life. Most of the time they're lying. Worse than that, they're lying to themselves. They have settled for less, far less than their potential. Even worse, they have abandon their purpose and passion. This develops into the only unforgivable sin. Don't let this be you. It's time to wake up to your ultimate joy and you'll find that in the pursuit of your biggest dream. Listen in to today's episode as I take a deep dive into all of this. Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.