Stephen J. Kosmyna

Be Still and Grow



So many of us our in a ceaseless state of motion. Our life is filled with 'doing' and we spend very little time 'being' . Our days are filled with going, going, going, doing, striving, achieving, getting, grasping, working, rushing and more and more and so it goes, day in and day out. We think if we do more we'll get more. We think we'll accomplish more through non-stop activity. In today's episode you'll learn a very valuable approach to life and living that will actually move you along your path more quickly. You'll realize your objective in a much more efficient way and you'll feel better doing it. You'll have to listen to get the rest of the story and hear about this secret ingredient we find within all great achievements. Here's a hint though; we find it in every piece of music that's ever been written! Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International