Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Effortless Way - Neville



"Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can only see the contents of your own consciousness. It is the function of an assumption to call back the excluded view and restore full vision." - Neville Stop and think about that quote from this chapter I just shared. The life you would love to live, the life you have created and already hold in your imagination, ALREADY EXISTS! Rather than maintaining the state of consciousness that lives and feels from the desire being real now, most focus their attention on current circumstances and conditions that they don't want. Many keep "taking score," meaning they are always questioning why their results aren't different because they have spent a good amount of time thinking "of" their dream. The effortless way does not mean we sit around doing nothing and take no action. The effortless way is about shifting our state of consciousness by removing our attention from what we don't want and that which we see in the o