Escapist Corner

#009 Twins of Iceland Jakobina & Elin Jonsdottir



This time we meet two icelandic twins. That do Crossfit. And have a crossfit box. That’s a quite good USP. Elin and Jakobina Jonsdottir. Jakobina is probably the one more recognize from being in the crossfit scene for a while. Workout buddy to ie Annie Thorisdottir and Katrin Davidsdottir. But Elin is not a stranger in the crossfit scene. Mather of fact she was one of the first crossfitters in Sweden. in this episode we talk about starting a business, what to be prepared for, what to watch out for, and how to combine this with having families and kids. Also we go into a dive talking about what it takes to make it to the games and we also talk about role models and people we admire. We ask if Crossfit is dangerous for women and what happens to the women body after pregnancy. Definitely not things we knew about. If you go to Iceland anytime soon. You should. Then stop by at Grandi101 and visit this girls. @grandi101 @jobinaj @elinjon More episodes and video on: