Escapist Corner

#027 Debunking bad science with Frank Mitloehner



Welcome to another fresh episode of the Escapist Podcast today with Professor Frank Mitloehner.   Here about Frank: "I am a faculty member in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. We are specialized in measurements and mitigation of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and particulate matter and the study of their effects on human- and animal health and welfare. In short, our lab investigates the nexus of agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability."   We go through many pieces in this podcast all from meat industry, the lobbyism around "fake meat" and agriculture at large. We discuss how Frank has reviewed flawed studies from FAO and got organisations like EAT lancet to retract some of their claims.    Even though this podcast was about over an hour we did not get deep into all topics and will see if we can have a revisit at some time from Frank.  Go an follow Franks work at:  https://cle