Escapist Corner

#039 Dr Joel Kahn - Tips for better vegan diet



Hey guys,   Here another great episode where we meet one of the veterans when it comes to the plant based community. Dr. Joel Kahn is an author of 6 books that specifically go through different aspects of the vegan lifestyle. He run the clinic Kahns Longevity Center in Detroit.   This episode goes through many topics but here some main headlines:   1. Dr. Joel Kahn background and story. How he got started and his experience of being vegan over 40 years.  2. Common mistakes vegans do when it comes to their nutrition and their diet and some easy ways to mitigate those.  3. We talk about the nutrition wars and the two camps between the vegans and the ancestral diet camp. We talk about how they started and what status they have today.   There are a lot of referrals to studies and tests done in this episode that you can take a deeper look into if you are interested. Links to them will be updated in future weeks to come.  Please hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the cha