Job Story

Thanksgiving 1997



Job Story #28 goes back in time twenty-one years to Thanksgiving 1997. I recorded a trip home for Thanksgiving, with the intention of using the audio on my old WFMU talk show, Aerial View (see below). While I'm sitting around without an actual gig, one "job" I've taken on is digitizing old cassettes and other physical media. Much of the audio is raw recordings done in my car - what I called "Roadkill" - later boiled down for use on air. Revisiting the raw recordings has unearthed treasures I didn't know were there. In this case, it's audio of family members no longer with us. My Aunt Isabel. My mother. One of my sisters. My brother-in-law. My mother's boyfriend (though, in fairness, I only suspect he's dead). They are all here. It may be one of the last Thanksgivings we spent together, everyone but my brother Mario, who was down in Florida and had to be there by phone.If you’d like to tell yourJob Story, email it to or submit it on the Facebook Group pa