Michael And Ivanka's Grand Podcast

Episode 22 - Kindness



What is kindness and does it always take work? Who deserves our kindness and who doesn't? We try to figure out what's important. Then we made a first attempt to formulate a grand plan.---- This week's links ----[1] Malcolm Gladwell's "Revisionist History" Podcast - http://revisionisthistory.com/about[2] Ecomodo - https://ecomodo.wordpress.com/[3] David Heinemeier Hansson - Living with Legacy Code - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJkiCpPeYuI[4] Coming To America - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094898/[5] Gbenga The Author (Michael's colleague's spoken word project) - http://www.gbengatheauthor.com/[6] Love and Drugs on the Street - Girls Sleeping Rough - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05l5jyk[7] Kit Collingwood - "Why Civil Servants Should Become Experts in Empathy" - https://medium.com/@kcollingwood/why-civil-servants-should-become-experts-in-empathy-59c30507b3f6[8] Pay It Forward Foundation - https://www.payitforwardfoundation.org/---- Credits ----Music is by http://michaelforrestmusic.comTalking is by I