Live From The Dean's Den

LIVE From The Dean's Den - Making An "Impact"



For quite a while Impact Wrestling, despite having some top tier talent has been considered the "weak sister" of the wrestling business, despite being the only option to WWE with an actual TV deal. However, multiple channel changes and numerous talent defections made the future of the alternative promotion doubtful, especially once All Elite Wrestling started running. Once the coronavirus hit and basically shut down the industry, and in the case of WWE, forced them to make cuts that they probably would not have made in the current business environment, it became open season. AEW had already gotten the team they wanted when they signed FTR. They also picked up former NXT star Tino Sabbatelli, a guy who, if he wouldn't have gotten injured so much, including at least one concussion, probably would have been on the main roster. This still left a wealth of talent looking for a place to go. Well when you not only own a wrestling promotion, but also your own network where the ad revenue gives you a bigger budge