Productive Insights Podcast Actionable Online Business Growth Made Easy With Ash Roy

017. 7 Reasons Time-Boxing Is Essential To Real Productivity



If you're reading this on the blog, click here to listen to an audio version of this blog post on iTunes What is time-boxing? Time boxing is the process of going to calendar and creating separate appointments for each task that you estimate will take 15 minutes or more. 7 Reasons why is time-boxing is important when it comes to productivity: * It sets realistic time projections for your tasks. You don’t try and cram too many tasks into your day if you’re forced to allocate time to   each of them. * Because you have to allocate specific time-slots for your tasks you now restricted to a reasonable amount of tasks as opposed to an overwhelming to do list that is likely to just paralyse you. So this means you’re more likely to be more selective with the tasks that you assign to yourself. You’re more likely to do things that will have the biggest impact for the least effort. This is also known as the 80/20 rule Initially coined by an economist called   Vilfredo Pareto. Essentially the r