Portland Timbeers-a Podcast About The Portland Timbers & Oregon Beer.

#3.11 de Garde, Sand-Skiing & the Summer Lake Cup



The guys interview Trevor Rogers from de Garde Brewing in Tillamook, Oregon. Trevor offers Timbeers listners an inside look at de Garde as well as delving into contracture in the Oregon craft Beer market, his take on the Beers Wars between macro's and the craft brewers.What the hell is Sand Skiing? Join Jason and Gary in the beginning of their quest to Sand Ski and make a Sand Ski Competition on the dune near Pelican Brewing at Pacific City.The Summer Lake Cup is coming in Tigard Oregon. This is the 9th year of the Game, the 6th played with the Beautiful Summer Lake Cup! The PDX Timbeers founded the Cup with the idea of playing a soccer match with full rules 1 day a year on their home-rough as hell, undersized-field. Look for updates on their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. Remember-this match is open to all skills-teens to adult-bring 1 light and 1 dark shirt-winners drink beer from the Summer Lake Cup and have their name engraved on it's shiny surface!Beers Sampled and Discussed on this episode:&n