Portland Timbeers-a Podcast About The Portland Timbers & Oregon Beer.

#4.4 Floyd Hayes Service Animal-The Dark Arts & a Bottle of Saffron



In this weeks episode, Jason and Gary interview Floyd Hayes a daring east coast guerrilla marketer who just a matter of a few days-made the International News for registering his beer as a service animal. The Food Network, Fox, The Daily News, and the New York Post all ran the story originating from an article in the Ale Street News Floyd has recently been the target of critics on both sides of the political spectrum as well as those who feel he is mocking people who need service animals. In this interview You will learn about the genesis of this idea, Floyd's love for beer and his brief stint as a home brewer.Jason and Gary also discuss Jason's new Light Lager, brewed with $50 dollars (1/4 ounce) of Zaran Saffron.Jason and Gary discuss the upcoming Fort George Dark Arts Festival and some of the beers they are looking forward to.Gary pulled a 10 year old Jubel Ale from the recess of his Garage Freezer and they compare a 2010 with a 2019 Jubelale.Beers Enjoyed tonight:Meridian Vanilla Stout by Ecliptic Brewing