Sgo Files

"The Highway Dancer" - S.G.O. Files - Episode 7 - Digital and Dice



The Secret Government Organization, a.k.a. "S.G.O.", is sending it's best and brightest to investigate reports of odd happenings and strange occurrences from around the world. Join Master Sargent Bob Ross, Hans Perkins, and Carl, armed with knives, pistols, and mind-altering tic-tacs as they make their way through popular horror tropes and scary stories found on the internet!Thank you to Atticus Jackson for your addition to this story as "The Guy Who Got Cut Off" - @TheAtticus on TwitterEpisode 7 - "The Highway Dancer" - While driving down a highway, Hans takes a mental break and imagines a friendly pupper from his homeland of....Connecticut....Original story by C.M. Scandreth - original reading of "The Highway Dancer" can be found on The No Sleep Podcast -www.thenosleeppodcast.com Digital and Dice Podcast Links:Facebook - -