Amir Fazeli's Fitbiz Podcast

The Builder of Elite Crossfit Athletes Mr Luke Starr



Luke joins me on this episode to talk about his elbow dislocation and then achilles rupture and what it takes to come back from injury. We talk about why lots of Crossfit gyms are rebranding and the possible future of Crossfit itself after the stepping down of Mr Glassman, the former CEO. He also delved into what he learned and applied when he was heavily involved in Powerlifting training and competition which he successfully applied to his elite Crossfit athletes. We also talk about training things - recovery, training strength and endurance together and the importance of sleep amongst other things. As always make sure you subscribe and rate the podcast. I want you to share this episode with 2 of your friends who need to hear a message that's mentioned in there. Thank you for tuning in.