Amir Fazeli's Fitbiz Podcast

The President Of The ASCA Dr. Dan Baker



Dr Dan Baker is the president of the Australian Strength & Conditioning Association (ASCA) and hands down one of the biggest OGs in the S&C game in Australia. He has worked with tons of top level athletes and rubbed shoulders with and developed tons of top level coaches. What he and the ASCA do is paramount in driving forward strength and conditioning and the role of coaches in Australia in raising the standards. Apologies in advance if there are technical errors, the internet connection was constantly dropping out as Dr Dan was overseas when we were recording this. We chat about so many things to do with coaching, strength development, standards of strength needed for sports, velocity based training using devices like PUSH and much much more as he gives some very interesting insight from the viewpoint of a person who has been doing it for a few decades and has seen it all come and go. You can follow Dr Dan directly on his IG: @danbakerstrength – I recommend you do because he is good value. As usual p