C&t Talk - Hannah Tree Productions

C&T Talk Episode 276 - Words Matter, but actions matter more - August 31, 2020



We are constantly told Trump says mean things. Agreed. We are told that Trump lies. Yep. We are told that Trump is a racist. Huh. We are told that Republicans hate black and brown people. Really. We are told that Republicans “want to put y’all back in chains” - just to quote the “very honest” Joe Biden. So riddle me this. The Left controls every major institution in America: Maintstream media, academia, administrative government, Hollywood and Big Tech. So if “instituational racism” really does exist, whose fault would that be? To quote Andrew Klavan, “You blame Trump for somehow inciting leftist riots in leftist cities in leftists states inspired by a wholly false leftist narrative about police violence spread by leftist venues”. POW.