Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep2 - Actor, Danny Boushebel



Rocco opens the show with how excited he is to be doing his podcast and mentions that he had some great special guests on his “live stage show, his last show before the hiatus had Special Guest, Jorge Garcia, well known for shows such as, “Lost”, “Californication”, and “Hawaii Five-O “, Once Upon A Time”. Rocco Introduces his “One Man Band”- Homeless Musician, Ben Namnoum, band name “Frogs At Whiskey”. Rocco mentions that they have a “Decoy Candle Co.” candle burning in the studio. A commercial for Decoy Candle Co. can be seen on our youtube page on the “Late Night With Rocco” channel. “Rocco’s Biggest Jerk Off of the Week “ Award goes to Martin Shkreli, the “AIDS Pill” guy. New Segment called, “Rocco’s Confessional.” Actor Danny Boushebel rings the doorbell. Rocco and Danny Boushebel talk about Netflix. Danny has a great interview with Rocco. He talks about new projects that he is working on, and past shows such as “House Of Cards”, and “Homeland”. Rocco shows a photo of Jason Mantzoukas from “The League”, a